Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eine traurige Woche

Last week Sabine received news that her father's health was rapidly deteriorating. He has been ill for many years but the news was still a surprise. Unfortunately, he passed away late last Wednesday night. It was a sad and difficult week. The boys took the news as well as three and a half year olds can. We did plenty of things together which kept them busy. We had a play date on Thursday, we visited the monastery on Friday, and on Monday we spent the afternoon at a playground (hence the picture of Max to the right). We have also been reading Dr. Suess's ABC and Tom can already recite the alphabet on his own! I don't think I could do that until Kindergarten!

As all of you know, the smallest things in life make me happy. I'd like to list a few that I have recently discovered. Nearly everything in Germany can be recycled, that includes all Gummibaerchen wrappers; if you get caught riding your bike while intoxicated, you can lose your driver's license; Radler is a popular beer which consists of 3/4 beer and 1/4 Sprite; when you purchase a beer at an outdoor festival you have to also put down a deposit for the glass as an incentive to return it; it only costs 8 Euros to tailor jeans with an original hem and it is completed in less than 24 hours.

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